Fermenting with Friends Sour Dough Special

Discover the nutritional health benefits of eating fermented foods and learn how to make your own sour dough bread with the help of Cornfield’s baker Joe.

This will be the first of our monthly meet ups with a focus on Sour Dough.

Recently sour dough bread has risen in popularity, why is this? my thoughts were that maybe an increasing recognition that normal shop brought bread is categorised as an ultra processed food. However, The British baker puts it succinctly it

it taps into all three of the top consumer trends in bakery: authenticity, wellbeing and discovery

With all the fermented foods we have explored so far each has its own storey. I’m certainly looking forward to finding out more about Sour dough’s unique storey, Sour dough has much in common with other fermented foods, a traditional food where the fermenting process adds to its unique flavour.

So are there health benefits beyond the replacement of ultra processed foods?

How does this compare with the other fermented foods that we associate with health benefits? such as Kefir & Kimchi etc.

Master baker Joe, as well as baking for the local Cornfield Bakery, runs workshops. He will be demonstrating the sourdough process as well as sharing some of the science behind the process. So if you have made your own sour dough or are new to this come along and find out more.

As always it will be an interactive session with plenty of time to ask questions. Interested in learning more do take a look at Joes workshops. https://www.cornfieldbakery.com/online-baking-course

At the end of the session there will be a chance for the group to share how they have got on with making your own fermented foods success and learnings.

Please do Email: info@nutritionbyrosie.co.uk to reserve your place.

Meeting at the Red Kite Family Centre

11th January 20027 7.30pm
£15 per ticket 

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